It is the beginning of a new school year and I have been so busy getting my classroom ready to welcome my new kindergarteners. Not to mention I have had home visits AND Open House (100% attendance, I might add).
I love going to meet my new students and hopefully ease any anxiety they may have about starting a new venture. These children ARE amazing.
I decided to add a new highlight to my classroom this year. My theme has always been the "Alligator Room" (being a Louisiana native) but to add to the decor my husband and I created a new Reading Nook!
I decided to add a new highlight to my classroom this year. My theme has always been the "Alligator Room" (being a Louisiana native) but to add to the decor my husband and I created a new Reading Nook!
We took two pallets and bolted them together, sanded, primed and painted them red.
The fabric (already in my stash) was stapled to an old frame and drapped over the side gauze panels.
After one quick seam on the gauze, I slide extra fabric tubes in and hung it with fishing line. It is AMAZING at what you can make with the things you have on hand!!
Located right under the window allows for great lighting.
One pallet was smaller than the other which allowed for a little step!
Fishing line was tied to a spring... which is the inside of an old toilet paper holder. Don't ask, I have NO idea why I had it.
My bulletin board where the First Day of School photos will go of my new little
It is going to be a FANTASTIC year!
Have a blessed day!